Top Ten Tuesday #15: How to Hook a Harpy

I almost skipped today’s TTT post. I know, blasphemy, but they are the only types of posts that I am doing lately… which kinda makes the blog look meh, and it also makes me feel like a cheater that only uses others’ ideas to talk about books. Which is stupid because 1) my TTT posts rock and 2) I have a list of ideas all jotted down and ready to fly. Some of them even were outlined on my brain BEFORE being noted down…which also means that I forgot around 80% of the outline, but I digress…

This week’s topic is “Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book, aka an impossible topic to skip by the Broke and the Bookish. Well done ladies, well done!

So… time to grab the popcorn and find out what makes me call books my precious before I even read them, or, as I like to put it, How to Hook a Harpy:

1. Steven Says ReadIt!

Because a deal is a deal, and I promised Steven I would read whatever he chose for me. And I’m totally planning to. Even if it doesn’t like it. Or it takes me a whole year (or a decade) to pick them up.


2. Paper Fury’s Seal of Approval

I love all of Cait’s posts. Her pretty pictures, the way she writes, what she writes, her obsession with cake or other baked delicacies… I love baking, so I can relate, and I’m biased to all things chocolate so… But when she talks books, people listen (read(?) ), and her reviews usually have me checking online stores (and bank account). I don’t even check the book on goodreads… because she’s that good.


3. Ilona Andrews

Read. Rea-read. Buy. Borrow. Trade internal organs for. Make an altar on bookshelves. Anything that duo writes has one (sometimes all) of the reactions.


4. Drool worthy book

Yes, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. And want another cliche? Size DOES matter. Sure, hardcovers have their qualities. Me? I love paperbacks. If they have the right feel. The right size. The right font. It makes me want to grab them and never let go. If they are unique.. I’m drawn to them and I’m lost. I have to have them. I have to read them. I have to love them… Want one example? UK’s paperback edition of Wintersong. It is perfect. And magic. (And I need to pass the 160 page mark soon). Another example is Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (also UK’s paperback edition).. the books look so perfect on my hands that I have to read them and have them… even when I like the movie adaptation better, but it is okay… I’ll survive.


5. Shapeshifters, vampires and magic

What can I say, I’m a sucker for urban fantasy books. And if it has an unique take on any of the above, I’m doomed.


6. Kick-ass/sass/foul mouth

Rose Hathaway, Kate Daniels, Mercy Thompson, Ty Grady… you get the drill.


7. Angst

And I mean, rip your heart out and make you cry so much that your soul feels sore for days angst… You better give me a hint of an HEA though… I don’t like my characters to suffer for no reason… I like their pain to be worth it. Think Touch & Geaux (Cut & Run, #7) and you’ll know what I mean.


8. Tease and Banter

I also like cheesy romances where main characters will tease each other, have hot banter, and moments so hilarious that make you laugh so hard that your cheeks hurt and you’ll need to wipe tears. Like with Wallbanger (Cocktail, #1).


The Harpie Wants To Know

Anything on my list that strikes your fancy?
What’s your TTT?


12 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #15: How to Hook a Harpy

  1. I also love books with characters who banter a lot (as long as they’re really funny). I feel like I could read their dialogues forever!


      1. I agree! Especially for some contemporary books, where the focus is mainly on character development rather than the plot.


  2. OMGGGG MY DAY IS SO COMPLETELY MADE. EXCUSE ME WHILE I JUST FLAIL AND COLLAPSE OVER HERE. YOU’RE THE BEST. ❤ ❤ *gives you so much cake because omg* Thank you.😂😂 I'm sooo glad you like my reviews and my opinions!! That makes blogging so worth it honestly. :')

    And I'm absolutely with you on #5 and #6 and #8 too.😂 If someone even whispers the word that there's banter in a book? Boom. I am THERE.😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww 🙂
      Glad you like it! I feel a complete stalker sometimes. But your posts and reviews and tweets and bookstagram pictures deserve it. So. yeah. The Fury is Harpy Stalked (or happy to be stalked… uhmm… that sounds creepy)


    1. Right? Plus we can take pretty pictures… well.. most people can 🙂
      On my way to visit!


  3. A strong female protagonist wins me over each and every time followed closely by banter. Angst is one aspect that can make or break a book for me, especially in young adult. I love genuine emotion and tension between characters but not for the sake of creating their own drama. I wonder if some of these reads were stripped back, they’d probably be less than 50 pages long. Wonderful TTT, really enjoyed it.

    Kelly @Diva Booknerd


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