Ten reasons I’m still new to book blogging after all this time

I started my first book blog back in 2012. It was Portuguese written. I was witty, I was tentative aaaand I gave up. Why? Not because of the blogging, but because of the language. My goodreads groups are English spoken, I mostly read English editions. So, I was fighting the barrier language, and trying to enter a world that was not easy to enter. Specially when my reading preferences are not Nobel prize winners and I tend to be frowned up from more “snobish” readers. Or maybe I’m the snob one? Who knows.

Anyway, back in 2013 I moved to wordpress, different platform, different language, same result. Till now. Two months ago the itch was there. And guess what? I’m holding. And excited, AND FINALLY GRASPING WHAT BOOK BLOGGING IS ALL ABOUT.


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme by the Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s topic is Freebie Week.

And I’m bringing you the 10 Reasons I call myself a newbie book blogger 4 years later

Reason #1: Posts Made. I have a total of 50 posts since April vs 25 the previous years. And each of those were viewed by more people than the other years combined. Why? No idea. I like to think I finally started to let my awesomeness show 🙂

Reason #2: Content. Why on earth was I convinced book blogging was all about book reviews I will never know. Maybe that’s why I failed the previous attempts. Because I’m not a speed reader. When I’m in the middle of team reading challenges I tend to forget book reviews and definitively, there aren’t that many ways we can review a book and still be original. I wanted more. I wanted to put my bookworm heart into paper. I wanted funny memes. I just wanted. And then realized, heck, I’m going to do it. It’s my blog. My rules.

Reason #3: Images. No, I didn’t think images on internet were just there for me to grab and use. But I did think that as long as I gave them credit, it was okay. Until Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Review told me all about it. I learned. Researched. Took everything copyrighted from my blog, and asked permission to use my Harpie avatar. Because seriously, I love her. I’d hate to take her down.

Reason #4: Blog community. I had no idea how many great things I could learn from them. And how important being part of the blog community is for the future of a blog. As much as I like to listen to myself talking, after a while it gets boring. I already followed Jeann @ Happy Indulgence. On a particular boring day I was *really* looking through her blog and found some others I wanted to follow. I’m not sure when, but I did come across the amazing Cait @ Paper Fury. And life was never the same again. Seriously. Her blog is like the cartoon heroes little blogs dream to be once they grow up. But don’t take only my word for it. Charnel from Reviews from a bookworm tell us The Reasons Why Paper Fury Is The Best.

Reason #5: Social Media. I totally suck at blog promoting and social media. Yes,  I created a facebook page and linked to it and to my twitter account, which means both are updated every time I do some posting. That’s it. Oh, and I stalk follow people. Some twitters from Cait had me laughing at 1 AM when I should been sleepling.

Reason #6: Planning & Editing. Or lack of. I just grab computer, start typing and *hope* something readable comes from there. What is this editing you speak of? Oh, right. The thing I usually do AFTER post is published and I’m re-reading it to see if it looks good. It’s a creative process okay? Don’t look at me with that tone of voice.

Reason #7: Pretty Book Pictures. One day. I promise. One day I will take time to compose a set, grab a camera and turn books into supermodels. They already have a place on my heart. Then they’ll have an image. Till there… just plain book covers and whatever composing I can fix with free use images, powerpoint and paint. Harpies are more rudimentary than cavemen.

Reason #8: Goodreads related. It was how I started sharing my love for books. It will be forever my first love. So yeah, a lot of references to goodreads, specially to the NBRC (Nothing But Reading Challenges) group. But, I love that group. I spend a great deal of time and effort organizing stuff there. I’m not fishing for members. I just want to share the amazing stuff we create there, because is something I really love doing. And it’s book related. So there.

Reason #9: No schedule. Apart from TTT, I have no order or planning on my posts. Is what my heart dictates. Yes, I’m awful to my followers. They get to read my crazy ramblings awesomeness once a week or once a day. It could be worse. At least I learned the wonders of scheduling posts, which avoids the once an hour. That would be boring. And slightly bordering the spamming/offensive communication.

Reason #10: Stats. Looking at my stats was heartbreaking. When I discovered I had 60 followers I almost danced on the table and opened the champagne. Which would be weird since I was at work. They kinda tend to frown upon such actions. They expect us to do weird things like working and talk about work related subjects *puzzled look* Anyway. Yes, I have few followers, even if 60 really is this HUGE achievement for me *smothers dancing on tables mood*, and few comments per post – unless they’re TTTs, all bets are off with those. But, I’m new to this. No matter what records say, for all intents and purposes I started the book blog back in April. I love the Top Ten Tuesday memes. I love to check some new blog posts from the ones I follow. I love the comment back policy. I love to post whatever my inner Chip’n Dale decide is a good idea to share. I’m a book blogger and I’m loving it!


The Harpie Wants To Know

Book Blogging: Is it normal to feel that you don’t know what you’re doing?
What’s your TTT?

20 thoughts on “Ten reasons I’m still new to book blogging after all this time

  1. Wow I can relate with you on a number of issues. I just started blogging seriously in February,2016 yet I have had the blog since 2012. Started the year with only 47 followers(yeah after blogging for almost 4 years), just hit my 300 followers mark this month. I still struggle with promoting posts on social media. I didn’t know about the images until I read this post.

    You have made so much progress in just a few months. Keep blogging, you are doing a great job.

    Here is my TTT:https://ahavenforbooklovers.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/ttttop-ten-books-that-i-loved-but-never-wrote-a-review-for/


    1. Awww thanks!
      And wow. 300 followers in 6 months is a very nice number, congrats! Yeah, copyright & lawsuits for images are scary, Some stories I came across makes me want to forget pretty and just do plain and boring posts. Or learn how to draw, although I’m worse than my 3 y.o. niece.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Sonia. I am definitely wiser now on copyright laws. I used to assume that acknowledging the source was enough. I will now start using my own pics, damn I need to practice how to awesome photos. I am bad at that,kinda like you and drawing lol

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Eve. Having fun is important. When it turns from fun to obligation, it also turns boring and on the right path to termination.


  2. I started blogging back in 2013 (back when I thought blogging was just posting reviews) but then I had my first child so there’s a big gap where I did very little reading and that affected my blog a lot. Because of that, I feel like I’ve only just started really blogging this year. I still have a lot to learn though!

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday!


    1. It is a generalized idea, right? Book Blog = Posting Reviews. That reminds me when I was at college and tell I was a math major the reply was ALWAYS “oh, you’re going to be a teacher then”. I felt like screaming. Those people NEVER come across a math nerd. Because they are good at a lot of things.. teaching is not one of them. Is like expecting Sheldon from Big Bang Theory to feel empathy. Or to stop thinking he’s the smartest person on earth.

      Ooooohhh I love your TTT. How dare they to replace Robin Williams… Preposterous.


    1. Cait is amazing. I can’t rave her enough.
      And thanks for the praise. Although waking up to find out that a post I forgot that was scheduled and was still incomplete – aka no review, only synopsis – was posted is not agreeing with that.
      And it was a most wanted book still unread. *hangs head in shame*


  3. Great post! I struggle to define the word ‘newbie’ too, like do you have to be blogging for under an x amount of time? But what if you’ve passed that time, and you still FEEL like a newbie? 😛

    Also I hear you on #2 – I thought that book blogging = reviews but after being here for a bit I realised it’s so much more and you can do a lot more with your blog than just reading and reviewing books.

    Here’s my TTT – it’s on book blogging confessions. 🙂


    1. I guess we’re going to feel like newbies till the time we start feeling like veterans aka I’m too old for this!
      And hooraay for all the possibilities. Specially if you’re in a reading slump. Can you imagine poor review only blog sitting on a corner getting dust bunnies and spider webs feeling abandoned and forgotten? Only thing missing would be a cardboard with “Please, be kind. Just a book review” written in shaking block letters.


      1. Probably true. It’s something along the lines of impostor syndrome as well, I guess. 😛

        I LOVE that imagery, haha. I really hope that won’t happen! Reading slumps – well, any kind of slump, really – can be the worst.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. So true. It kind of reminds me those chocolate eggs that have surprises inside. We always know what the chocolate tastes like… if we get a toy or a key chain or just some bunch of stickers nobody knows. It doesn’t keep us from trying though.


  4. I published my first post in January, but didn’t get serious until May; so, I definitely feel very new. I am still working on many of these things and very pleased with the fact that I now have a schedule.

    My TTT


    1. Small victories. I don’t have a schedule, yet – too much of a mood reader for that – but I try to have TTT on Tuesdays, so that’s a start, right?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You certainly have been blogging for a long time. Not so many bloggers are present that long on the internet. LOL You’ve made some changes and you’ve learned through them.
    We are own worst critic, we don’t see clearly our greatness. That’s why surrounding yourself with people who really support and believe in you is vital. What they can do for you is what you can also do for others.
    That’s great experience! So glad you stuck with it.


    1. I missed this one? I am so sorry. Thank you for your comment. I did learn, and I love book blogging, even when I don’t read more than 2 books a month. There’s so much we can say about books, and things to explore. It has been a wonderful adventure, and I’m happy I’m still around.


  6. I just started book blogging myself! I mean, I have previously blogged before but nothing really about books. Honestly, I mainly do it for myself and to share my love of books with others. I would be happy with 60 followers, heck I would be happy with any number of followers! It’s good to know that there are other people out there like myself. I say keep on blogging and stay positive. Everyday is a new opportunity and a new bookish adventure 🙂


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